Online Coverage by

Thank you to all that attending our event. We had almost 350
Vehicles. This is the biggest show we have had so far. I will be
updating this page with more information and results as the week
progresses. So check back for updates.
Thanks to ESPN2 Truck Stop for coming out and filming for a future
episode. and the following clubs/ crews
and shops.
Acrophobia, Al and Eds, All the Independents, Auto Concept, Aztec
Images, Coast 2 Coast Customs, Concrete Deep, Dangerous Toys, Delirious,
Double D, Down to Earth, Dynasty, Elegy, Envious, Factory Defects,
Flossen, Forbidden Fantasy, Freaks of Nature, Game Over, Grounded
Creations, GT Autostyle, GT Customs, Heaven, High Desert Cruisers, High
Temptation, Hipnotik, Hyetronics, Hypnotice, Hyzone, IF Customs,
Immaculate Style, JDM Kings, JT Autostyle, Local Finesse, LoLowz,
Maximum Power, Mayhem Click, Nokturnal, Polow Hobbies & Motorsports,
Priority, Rapture, Regulators, Relaxed Atmosphere, Severed Ties, Shoboat,
Smite, Status, Still Tippin, Stunning, Swift, Team Auto Concept, Team
High Intenzity, Team Izone, Team Sciontific, Top Notch, Tovars, Veritas,
Victims of Gravity, Where you at?, Xtreme LowzIf your site has
covered the show please let me know at
FXDGRND@pacbell.net . I will
post up a link on this page. Also if you placed at the show and see a
picture of your ride please email a link.
Check back for information on Bring the Noize 2007 in Phx AZ. We are
in the process of finding a new location. We have outgrown the park we
were at.
We would like to thank our Main Title Sponsor
View Point Auto Body and Paint
- 4524 Keswick St Unit B-Bl and D
- Van Nuys Ca 91405
- 818 376 1412
and our Vendors and Sponsors
Boracho's Shirts |
Shaved Ice Guy |
T-Mobil |
Polow Hobbies and Motorsports |
Tacos Y Cemitas Puebla |